Ability BG

The Bamboo Lesson: Finding Your Strength in 2023’s Challenges



What is the one thing that has kept you going this year? Literally, or figuratively!

As we start to wind up 2023 and plan for 2024, we’re at a point in the year that we might be reflecting on:

…how things have gone?

…what has worked?

…what hasn’t?

…what we struggled with?

…what we achieved?


We’ve all been through some tough stuff, I’m sure, but there is great value in taking time to look back over the year and unpack how we triumphed over the obstacles that crossed our paths.


I took the opportunity to reflect on my source of strength whilst walking the beach, on my holiday last week; I had peace and quiet and space to think.


I encourage you to do the same. Gift yourself at least 90 minutes this week to consider what has gotten you through this year.

It might be a tool, a scripture, a mantra, a person, a piece of writing, or a song, that you leaned on to get through the uphill battles.

You might be surprised at what you learn about yourself!


This bamboo was the tool that kept me going while I was hiking to the Golden Falls, in the mountains in Grenada, and fell and damaged my foot.

This trusted bamboo supported me while I struggled through the hike up to and down from the waterfall, on what turned out to be a fractured ankle. (We will get into that another time)

My trusty bamboo took my pressure, helped me to leverage my weight and it was the thing I used to poke the ground, while I navigated the path, before I planted my feet.

I didn’t need it the whole time, especially while pulling myself up parts of the mountain with a rope or abseiling down, but it was always there when I needed it, and it gave me comfort and courage to carry on even when I didn’t believe I could.


We all thought my foot was just sprained. The group I was hiking with called me superwoman for how well I managed, and I accepted the title!

Each time I explained the story of how I hurt myself, someone would say, “WHAT!?! You climbed the Golden Falls, wow, no way, yeah, you were bound to fall it’s terrible up there! Or “Even I wouldn’t try to make that climb, you’re strong!” I kinda wish I had heard that beforehand lol.

That day, I achieved things I had no idea I was capable of, with an ankle that was later found to be fractured in 2 places.


I would not have thought it would be possible for me to deal with a feat like that (with old trainers and no safety equipment whatsoever), I definitely would NOT have chosen to tackle that mountain had I known how gruelling and dangerous it was; but the fact is, life is full of unknown obstacles that we don’t know we will have to overcome until they are right in our face!

The key is, how we respond, how we face up to the fear, what resources we draw on to help us triumph and to make sure we add the competence we gain from the experience to our toolkit, for use in the future.


I’m a great believer that there is a lesson that can be learned from every experience, whether it is a good or bad one. When I took the time to understand what the lesson could be from my Golden Falls experience, I realized the lesson was that I am capable of much more than I have been achieving in my life and I had chosen not to push myself until my life literally depended on it!


It was a serious jolt to my system, but it had the positive effect of driving me to be more intentional about how I am living my life.


On reflection, the thing that kept me going throughout the year was my renewed faith in myself and my capabilities; knowing in my heart that I am stronger than I believed, and I will always find a solution or the right support to get me where I need to be.

The next step is to establish how I will apply this capability throughout 2024. ?


How about you, coach? What is the one thing that has kept you going this year?


I would love to see your stories and pictures if you have them.

Live life with a limitless approach.

Nett x


About the Author

? Mantra: “Transforming Visions into Reality – One Limitless Step at a Time”

? In Another Life: A master explorer seeking hidden treasures… mirroring my journey in guiding clients to unearth their true potential and chart new paths.

? Why I’m Here: To offer you a blend of motivation and meticulous planning, ensuring you’re not just dreaming big, but also making those dreams tangible.

? The Impact: With my guidance, clients have turned their aspirations into achievements, embracing change and realising their true potential.

Let’s unlock your next level of success!


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